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Eco warriors clean up school's act
Posted: 6th February 2020The future is safe in the hands of a team of young eco warriors.
Every class at Freshwaters Primary Academy has appointed an eco rep to take responsibility for keeping the school as environmentally friendly as possible.
They ensure lights are switched off and recycling bins are used to keep the environment at the forefront of everyone’s minds.
The group have also signed up to take part in The Great British Spring Clean to tidy up their community. As a result, they will receive a £100 donation which they will invest in recycling bins for the playground.
Headteacher Jackie Diggle said: “Our new eco reps have met for the first time to discuss what they can do to make improvements around the school.
“We are working on being good global citizens. We all know about global warming and need our children to be fully aware of it. We watch Newsround with the pupils, so they are aware of what is happening, but by tackling it head-on in school they have an even greater awareness when it is being discussed around them.
“It is great for us to save money as a school, of course, but it is the global awareness aspect of this work that we are really keen about. What we are doing here is vital as we are making a difference to the world and the future.
“It is so important to give our children the knowledge as the future is in their hands.”
Pupils have made bracelets to sell to raise funds for the World Wildlife Fund.