Nursery - Hungry Caterpillar
This half term our topic is “Ticket to Ride.”
We will be reading books linked to our half term theme: “My Big Book of Transport,” “Blown Away,” “Polar Bear, Polar Bear,” and the traditional tale “The Wizard of Oz.” We will also link books to our maths “Shapes at play.” We will read “The Great Race,” to link in with Chinese New Year.
To improve the children’s fine and gross motor skills we will be doing activities that encourage making circular movements. We will use scarves and movements that encourage this. We have funky fingers daily activities, for example: threading; tweezers; or playdough to strengthen the children’s posture, shoulder and elbow movement, hand grip, pincer, and tripod grip. The children are encouraged to mark make using a variety of different media: post its, notepads, paper, card etc. We will focus on making closed shapes, such as squares and rectangles.
The children will be exploring shapes – 2D and 3D, their properties and shapes in the environment. We will also be using positional language and plotting a familiar route – how do we get to the school library?
Linking in with our theme “Ticket to Ride,” children will explore various modes of transport, and where they can take us. The children will experiment with ice and the changes that occur when hot and cold. We will also, discuss Chinese New Year and look at the animal (snake) and how people celebrate it.
We will observe the changes in the environment as we move from Autumn to Winter What have they noticed? What happened to the leaves on the trees? What is frost? What is the weather like? Children will use a camera to capture the changes they see.
We have circle times and on the spot opportunities to develop PSED skills. We will also be working on sharing resources within the setting and becoming more confident when we have visitors. Using visuals and our emotional vocabulary, we will continue to work on self-regulation and calming our bodies when we feel angry.
Lessons will take place every Tuesday morning with our PE Staff. The children will need to come to nursery wearing their PE kits. No earrings.
Please ensure that you are logged on to Class Dojo so that you can see what your child has been doing. Photos and messages will be posted regularly. Their learning is also displayed in the cloakroom, each child has a section showing their work and any wow speech moments. This is replaced every half term and placed in their learning journal.
A weekly newsletter about next week’s learning and vocabulary is sent out every Friday.
Stay and Plays happen every Friday for 45 mins. Parents and carers are welcome to come and join their child in sharing a book; crafts; seasonal/celebrations activities; maths/literacy/phonics workshops.