Welcome to our school
Freshwaters Primary Academy was formed on 1st September 2013 for children aged 3 to 11. We are part of BMAT, a multi-academy trust based in the South East.
Our school was built in 1990 as an open plan school. We have added a few walls since then and use every bit of space in the school for learning activities. Our pupil numbers have grown in the last few years and we are now a two form entry school. We have a wildlife and forest area, plus an extensive green field, which give us plenty of learning opportunities and space. We do like to get outdoors as much as possible and especially in EYFS. We are very proud of our creative curricluum, which gives our pupils many oportunities to develop their skills and confidence as they move through their Freshwaters learning journey. We have recently benifited from some local authority funding which has enabled us to develop a new studio building and all weather muga (multi univeral games area) on the school field. These exciting additions to our school facilites have enabled us to promote the importance of oracy through perfomance and enhance our PE provision.
Every pupil and member of staff belongs to a team that they stay with for their whole time at our school. This means pupils can make friends with children from other classes of different ages. The Junior Leadership Team run assemblies to discuss issues and make decisions on changes that make the school even better.
We have a praise led behaiour policy that help pupils to learn and be a successful member of the school community. Pupils can earn Dojo points, stickers, stamps, raffle tickets and certificates for following the behaviour expectations and making the right choices.
Freshwaters has a recently refreshed swimming pool on site, where the children have thier swimming lessons. All pupils are able to swim before they leave our school, which is a valuable life skill. The pool is also hired and managed by Comfort Aquatics when not being used by our pupils.
We hope you will find our website useful and please take a look at our weekly newsletters, which gives you an insight into what life is like at Freshwaters.
Miss J Diggle