Year 4 - Jungle Book & Northern Lights
Year 4 – Spring 2 Ancient Egypt
As Readers
We will be reading the book, ‘Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx’, Joe Todd Stanton. Through this graphic novel, we will take a deep dive inside Ancient Egypt’, linking with our history topic. We will be writing our own Marcy adventure stories and explanatory texts.
Our whole class reading sessions will be linked to the Egyptian topic. We will be looking at both fiction and non-fiction examples to explore various themes, such as: mummies, the Sphinx and Egyptian Gods, whilst focussing on the key skills of: vocabulary, retrieval and summarising.
Key Vocabulary: Explorer, expedition, riddle, Sphinx, ancient, pharaoh, pyramid, mummification, tomb, hieroglyphics, Nile, papyrus, Tutankhamun, scarab
As writers
We are going back in time to Ancient Egypt, where we will immerse ourselves in the land of the pharaohs. Writing to include character studies, where the children will the children will explore synonyms and shades of meaning. They will then use the riddle in the book as inspiration to create their own riddles based on things in the world around them and within nature and use these to write effective character descriptions. We will then move on to writing narratives. We will begin to explore the techniques used to build suspense and tension in our stories. First, we shall focus on the use of short, snappy sentences, followed by the use of fronted adverbials to vary the sentence starters used within a piece of writing. Then we will write a play script. Children should include a play script’s features and include stage directions to show the character’s feelings. Finally, we will be writing an information text about the Egyptian Gods.
Key Vocabulary: punctuation, riddle, comma, synonym, suspense, adjective, dialogue, inverted commas
As Mathematicians
Children begin this block with fractions, by understanding the whole. We will use diagrams to identify how many equal parts a shape has been split into and move on to thinking about how many more parts are needed to make the whole. They will use the denominator to identify how many equal parts a whole has been divided into. Following that, the children will explore tenths through different representations of 1 whole split into ten equal parts, including place value counters, straws, counters on a ten frame and bead strings. This leads us into looking at tenths as decimals, which will include dividing two digit numbers by 10. Finally, we will move onto hundredths of numbers and as decimals. We shall divide one and two digit numbers by 100.
Key Vocabulary: Fraction, part, whole, numerator, denominator, equal, decimal, divide, digit
As Scientists
We will be focussing on ‘States of Matter’, where we will learn about the differences between solids, liquids and gases, classifying objects and identifying their properties. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate the weight of a gas. Furthermore, they will have chance to find the ideal temperature to melt substances. They will explore in-depth how water changes state, exploring melting, freezing, condensing as well as a particular focus on evaporation. Finally, they will learn about the stages of the water cycle.
Key Vocabulary: Solid, liquid, gas, boiling, freezing, temperature, degrees, water vapour, melt, evaporate, condense, precipitation
As Geographers
We will find Egypt on a map and identify the continent Egypt is part of, as well as the seas which are next to it. Then the children will discover the geographical features of Egypt including its climate and population; investigating what Egypt would be like as a holiday destination. Finally, discussing the geographical features of the River Nile including statistics and uses of the river.
Key vocabulary: Co-ordinates, atlas, continent, climate, population, temperature, tourist, attractions, compare, contrast, tributaries, source, mouth
As Historians
The topic begins by exploring BCE dates and creating an Ancient Egyptian timeline. Then the children will investigate the social structure of ancient Egyptian societies. They will explore the role, rights and responsibilities of the pharaohs and delve into the lives of some of the most famous pharaohs. We will find out about the ancient Egyptian deities and explore their appearances and roles. Next, we’ll discover what the pyramids were built for and explore what tomb paintings can tell us about life in ancient Egypt. Finally, we shall investigate the greatest inventions and achievements of the ancient Egyptians.
Key Vocabulary: Explorer, expedition, riddle, Sphinx, ancient, pharaoh, pyramid, mummification, tomb, hieroglyphics, Nile, papyrus, Tutankhamun, scarab, sources, artefacts and timeline.
As Artists
We will continue with the theme of ancient Egypt as a source of inspiration to develop our artistic skills. This will include: drawing hieroglyphics and using these to create a picture using papyrus in the style of Egyptian art. We will also study Egyptian jewellery, before making our very own designs.
Key Vocabulary: style, replica, media, abstract, line, cartouches, evaluate, pattern, texture, colour, hieroglyphics, materials
Home Learning
In Year 4, pupils will be given a list of 10 spellings from the statutory spelling list each week, which they are expected to learn in preparation for a spelling test every Friday. Pupils are expected to demonstrate learning using EdShed or, if this cannot be accessed at home, by asking their class teacher for an alternative.
Please continue to read regularly with your child at home, as reading regularly will help your child’s vocabulary knowledge, spelling and writing skills. Furthermore, we ask that you encourage your child to learn their multiplication tables up to 12. This is an ongoing expectation until your child can confidently recall them in a mixed order and using inverse operations. Times Tables Rock Stars should be accessed to help them.
We shall also send Mathematics, English, Science or Topic homework home on a Friday. This must be completed and returned by Friday (the latest) the following week.