Year 5 - Swallow And Amazon & The BFG
Swallows and Amazons & The BFG
Spring 2
As Readers
We will be reading the book, ‘SKELLING”. As part of this, we will be inferring meaning, exploring vocabulary, making predictions, retrieving information and summarising what we have read. Grammar: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, interjections, and conjunctions. Descriptive language.
Our whole class reading sessions will be linked to our geography topic, ‘Rivers”. We will be focussing on non-fiction texts and their features. There will be a focus on developing fluency and expression. In addition, we shall practise the skills of retrieval, skimming, scanning and dictionary work. We will use these texts: The Amazon, River Talk, Parts of a River, Flooding the Nile, and Rivers of the World.
As writers
We are going to investigate an learn about a description of a setting, where was the creature living? (Non-Fiction) Rivers – persuasive letter What effect does river pollution have on the environment?
As Mathematicians
Percentage, decimals and Perimeter and Area. Some or our Big Questions will be Decimals and Percentages BQ: Which is greater, 1 hundredth or 9 thousandths?, BQ: What does each digit in a decimal number represent? BQ: How do you compare two decimal numbers that have the same number of tenths? BQ: What is a percentage? BQ: Which method is the most efficient for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle? BQ: How do you find unknown sides of a rectilinear shape? BQ: How do you calculate the perimeter of polygons? Statistics BQ: What is a line graph?
Key Vocabulary: thousandths, compare, place value, round, percentage, convert, rectilinear perimeter, Regular, irregular, Polygon, approximate, Estimate area compound, summarise, graph, table, interpret timetables, duration, scheduled.
Year 5 will learn about Materials. We will investigate this topic and we will answer some Big Questions such as: BQ: Is the change caused by heating or cooling reversible or irreversible? BQ: What materials are needed for something to burn? BQ: What are the properties of these materials? BQ: Why are these materials used?
Key Vocabulary: reversible/non-reversible rusting, new material, Burning, burned, new materials, produced, conductive, magnetic, soluble, flexible, transparent
We will take a closer look at Rivers and we answer questions such as How does the water cycle work? Why do rivers erode, transport and deposit materials? Why are rivers important to people? What effect does river pollution have on the environment? Why is the River Nile important to Egypt?
Key vocabulary: Hydrological cycle, transpiration, condensation, transportation, precipitation Erosion, transportation, deposition, meanders, tributaries, Farming, transport, leisure, habitat, energy Pollution, agriculture, industry, contaminates, hazardous, Source, mouth, bank,
We will be exploring Maria Casas Esteban and Watercolour and Ink Rivers
Christianity BQ: What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to God?
Healthy Me: Smoking including vaping Alcohol and vaping Alcohol and anti-social behaviour Emergency aid Body image Relationships with food Healthy choices Motivation and behaviour