Year 6 - Aslan & Gryffindor
This half term our focus is on Local Geography and a study of Harlow. We will be learning about the human and physical features of Harlow and our local area. We will learn about the human geography of economics and research the UK’s exports and imports. We will explore examples of land use and how the land around Freshwaters Primary is used. We will also investigate the key features in the design of Harlow.
We will read the text ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’ by Arthur Conan Doyle, while continuing to build core reading skills including vocabulary and word meaning in context, inference, prediction, retrieval and summary. We will consider how plot, character development and language can be used to create suspense and action. We will also be reading a range of poetry, including ‘The Tyger’ by William Blake, ‘The Railway Carriage’ by Robert Louis Stevenson and ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ by William Wordsworth.
We will be writing a range of texts linked to our Local Geography topic and our core text ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’. We will build on our writing skills and become more cohesive and sophisticated writers, to produce texts that are engaging and appropriate for the intended audience. Children will write both fiction and non-fiction pieces of extended writing. We will be writing descriptive narratives and retelling scenes from ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’, including a thrilling tale of what happened to Hugo Baskerville and a suspenseful chase scene as Sherlock Holmes follows a suspect. We will be linking our non-fiction writing to our Geography topic and writing an explanation text about the key features in the design of Harlow.
We will be continuing to develop our number fluency as well as arithmetic and reasoning problem skills. Our main areas of learning will be fractions and percentages and consolidation of specific topics. SATS Assessment week will take place during this time, to ascertain the children’s progress in accordance with national standard levels.
We will study Light and Shadow. We will recognise that light travels in straight lines and explain how objects are seen, because they are either light sources or reflect light from a source into the eye. Using the knowledge that light travels in straight lines, we will explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them.
Lessons will continue to take place on Thursdays. This term, pupils will be playing hockey and focusing on fitness levels. Please ensure pupils have the correct PE kit each week.
In Year 6, pupils will receive English and Maths homework every Friday that must be handed in on Wednesday of the following week, which will be marked as a class. Please remind your child of the sanctions that are in place for non-completion of homework. In addition, pupils will be given a list of 20 spellings from the statutory spelling list each week, which they are expected to learn in preparation for a spelling test every Monday. (Pupils are expected to demonstrate learning using EdShed or, if this cannot be accessed at home, by writing spellings in their homework book).
Please continue to read regularly with your child at home, as reading regularly will help your child’s vocabulary knowledge, spelling and writing skills. Furthermore, we ask that you encourage your child to learn their multiplication tables up to 12. This is an ongoing expectation until your child can confidently recall them in a mixed order and using inverse operations. (Times Tables Rock Stars should be accessed to help them).