Year 6 - Aslan & Gryffindor
This half term we will continue our focus on History and World War 2. We will be learning about โThe Battle of Britainโ and how it was a turning point during the war. We will also learn about the impact of The Blitz and rationing on the British people.
We will continue reading the text โThe Boy in the Striped Pyjamasโ by John Boyne, while continuing to build core reading skills including vocabulary and word meaning in context, inference, prediction, retrieval and summary. We will consolidate our understanding of the novel by using reading comprehension questions to assess our knowledge of plot, character, language and themes. We will analyse characters and explore the key themes of friendship, racism, ignorance, childhood, innocence, good. vs. evil and segregation. We will develop our understanding of key characters through empathy using discussion, hot seating, drama and writing activities.
We will be writing a range of both formal and informal texts in a variety of genres linked to World War 2 and our core text โThe Boy in the Striped Pyjamasโ. We will build on our writing skills and become more cohesive and sophisticated writers, to produce texts that are engaging and appropriate for the intended audience. Children will write both fiction and non-fiction pieces of extended writing. We will be linking our non-fiction writing to our history topic โWorld War 2โ, focusing on an explanation of how World War 2 began and its significant turning points. We will also be completing a fiction text inspired by a scene in โThe Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.
We will be continuing to develop our number fluency as well as arithmetic and reasoning problem skills. Our main areas of learning will be area and perimeter, shape, statistics, algebra and consolidation of arithmetic skills. SATS Assessment week will take place in week 5, to ascertain the childrenโs progress in accordance with national standard levels.
We will continue with our study of Electricity. We will design simple series circuits in diagrams and then construct them to make working burglar alarms. We will also explore the meaning of resistance.
Children have fortnightly DT lessons and weekly Spanish lessons. Specialist teachers teach these subjects.
Lessons will continue to take place on Thursdays. This term, pupils will be learning netball, gymnastics and focusing on fitness levels. Please ensure pupils have the correct PE kit each week.
In Year 6, pupils will receive English and Maths homework every Friday that must be handed in on Wednesday of the following week, which will be marked as a class. Please remind your child of the sanctions that are in place for non-completion of homework. In addition, pupils will be given a list of 20 spellings from the statutory spelling list each week, which they are expected to learn in preparation for a spelling test every Monday. (Pupils are expected to demonstrate learning using EdShed or, if this cannot be accessed at home, by writing spellings in their homework book).
Please continue to read regularly with your child at home, as reading regularly will help your childโs vocabulary knowledge, spelling and writing skills. Furthermore, we ask that you encourage your child to learn their multiplication tables up to 12. This is an ongoing expectation until your child can confidently recall them in a mixed order and using inverse operations. (Times Tables Rock Stars should be accessed to help them).