Reception - Gruffalo & Billy Goat
Reception Autumn 2: Walking in a Winter wonderland!
As readers:
We will be following the RWI programme to learn all set 1 single sounds. We will be learning Set 1 Special Friends and will read cvc words confidently and will begin to read nonsense words and Spell and write cvc words using Fred Fingers.
As Mathematicians:
We will be exploring numbers 6,7,8,9 and 10 in depth. Looking at what is one more and one less? The Composition of a given number, and doubling numbers and facts. We will be looking at how a number gets smaller when we use Subtraction, and will know how to order the numbers 1-10 correctly.
As writers:
We will be looking at a new story each week and will be following different methods to understand, break down and retell the story. We will read the following texts:
After the Fall- We will introduce the meaning of character, setting and adventure time in our drawing club lessons.
Three Billy Goats Gruff- We will continue and develop skills learnt in previous drawing club lesson and adapt the meanings to this story.
We’re going on a Bear Hunt- We will revisit talk to write and learn actions and use a story map to help us retell the story with confidence and meaning.
Stickman/The Gruffalo- We will use drawing club style to explore these texts to understand the characters, setting and change the ending of the story.
The Christmas Story- We will perform the nativity story to an audience.
As explorers:
We will be finding the answers to the following questions:
What is the meaning of Remembrance Day?
What does green and blue represent on a globe?
What can you find that is soft, hard, smooth, fluffy?
What happens when you type your name into a keyboard?
What is different or the same about toys from the past?
Why do people celebrate Christmas?
Physical Education will be taught by specialist teachers every Friday. The will be encouraging the children to master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities. Children will participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending. Children will perform dances using simple movement patterns.
We will develop overall body strength, co-ordination, balance, and agility to support lessons in dance, gymnastics and sport. We will develop their fine motor skills to use a range of tools safely and confidently. We will develop a good posture when sitting at a table (classroom and dinner times).
Please ensure that you are logged on to Class Dojo so that you can see the reception newsletter uploaded every Friday. This will explain the learning taking place the following week in school, homework and any important reminders and dates you need to know. Photos and messages will also be posted regularly to show you what your child has been learning at school.