Reception - Gruffalo & Billy Goat
Reception Spring 1:
This half term our topic is ‘Ticket to Ride’.
Read Write Inc:
Children are spilt into smaller groups to concentrate on previously learnt sounds and blending these into words. Children will continue their phonics journey focusing on using fred talk to sound out cvc words and fred fingers to spell, e.g c-a-t, cat. We will also be introducing red words. These are tricky words which are not able to be spelt out phonetically for example, to, the, said. Reading every day to and with your child is more important than ever.
This half term we will be using drawing club for our literacy lessons. Each week we will be focusing on a story relating to animals and travel and spend the week exploring the characters, the settings and begin to use our imagination into adventure time where we will ask the children big questions to extend the story and become storytellers themselves.
Week 1 - Journey
Week 2 – Poles Apart
Week 3- 100 Double Decker Bus
Week 4 – Snake in my School
Week 5 – Martha Maps it Out
Week 6 – Emma Jane’s Aeroplane
We explore maths inside and outside the classroom every day using natural resources as well as mathematical equipment so children can develop the ethos that maths is everywhere.
Wk1: 2D shapes - What 2d Shapes can you see?
Wk 2 – 3: Number bonds to 5.
What are the parts?
What are the parts in a whole number?
Wk 4-6 Number bonds to 10
How do you use a part whole model?
What different ways can you see up to 10?
Each week we will be travelling across the globe to learn about different habitats across the world that different animals live in and what they need to eat. There will be science experiments to investigate the changes in environments and exploring how to keep their environments sustainable for the future.
Lessons will take place every Friday afternoon with our PE Staff. PE staff will be looking at the Early Learning Goals to determine the lessons including, negotiating space and obstacles effectively and safely, moving their bodies in different ways and using strength and balance with coordination. The children will need to come to school wearing their PE kits on this day.
Please ensure that you are logged on to Class Dojo so that you can see the reception newsletter uploaded every Friday. This will explain the learning taking place the following week in school, homework and any important reminders and dates you need to know. Photos and messages will also be posted regularly to show you what your child has been learning at school.