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🧑‍🎤 Our choir got to visit the O2 in London, where they performed at Young Voices, as part of the biggest children’s choir in the world! 🎵 The children had a fantastic day, which included rehearsals during the afternoon, before performing in front of friends and family. pic.twitter.com/35TSTOWRcd

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😋 It's National School Meals Week! 🪖 As part of Armistice day, pupils at were joined by Headteacher Jackie Diggle for lunch and enjoyed stew and dumplings, sausage and mash along with anzac biscuits. 🥟 pic.twitter.com/7AZ5fnBXif

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🍁 Hungry Caterpillars have been learning about the changes that Autumn brings, they learnt a new song with actions: All the Leaves are Falling Down. pic.twitter.com/iyYywz40M6

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REMINDER: We're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school on Thursday 10th October 2024 between 9:30am - 10:15am. To find out more, please contact the school office: Tel: 01279 454688 Email: admin.org.uk https://t.co/Iokjyg4Rce

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OPEN MORNING We're looking forward to elcoming prospective families to view our school on Thursday 10th October between 9:30am - 10:15am To find out more, please contact the school office Tel: 01279 454688 Email: admin.org.uk pic.twitter.com/t6RHVsOfZ0

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👋 Our school council hosted to put forward their questions to a politician and learn more about his professional life. 📘 Robert kindly donated a copy of The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien to our school library, which pupils are looking forward to reading. pic.twitter.com/Uuz8GigNaO

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🔥 Pupils in Years 2 and 3 learnt about the importance and dangers of Carbon Monoxide and how we can keep ourselves safe. 🚨 Children learnt more about checking appliances at home via an interactive workshop and carbon monoxide alarms were given out to take home. pic.twitter.com/9GV23T6ApR

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🗣️ Our choir represented the school at an amazing concert called 🏟️ Two of our pupils were chosen to walk across Wembley stage, proudly displaying the Freshwaters banner. 🎶 Throughout the day, the choir got to sing and dance to a range of different songs pic.twitter.com/OwNIBYPs4s

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Mr Newborough has been stepping up his London Marathon training! 🏃‍♂️ He's so close to hitting his fundraising target too. If you'd like to help him reach it you can do so on https://t.co/sxXBXaC3qJ pic.twitter.com/gCCsl0WRd0

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🔴 Pupils celebrated Red Nose Day and showed their support for the amazing charity 🫂 The children all looked amazing in our assembly this morning and recognised the importance of giving to others. pic.twitter.com/SJx0OAVCna


On we’re celebrating Amy Dias 🙌 Senior Lead Practitioner and Designated Safeguarding Lead at Freshwaters Primary Academy 💙#IWD2024 pic.twitter.com/zCMB4Fs8yB

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On we’re celebrating Amy Dias 🙌 Senior Lead Practitioner and Designated Safeguarding Lead at Freshwaters Primary Academy 💙#IWD2024 pic.twitter.com/zCMB4Fs8yB


On we’re celebrating Jo Mullane 🙌 Senior Lead Practitioner at Freshwaters Primary 💙#IWD2024 pic.twitter.com/jYmTzDsGI7

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On we’re celebrating Jo Mullane 🙌 Senior Lead Practitioner at Freshwaters Primary 💙#IWD2024 pic.twitter.com/jYmTzDsGI7

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📚 It's and pupils kicked off their day with a whole school assembly full of colourful characters 🤝 Throughout the day, pupils picked up their books and read in groups to share their stories pic.twitter.com/sWZ45iwoqf

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Our nursery parents and carers joined the team in Hungry Caterpillars to celebrate the Chinese New Year 🐲 pic.twitter.com/0abCBUjVWQ

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🤝 A big thank you to HTS Group Ltd. for providing a funding donation of £1500 to revamp and improve on our outdoor Reception space 🔨 pic.twitter.com/Ts8wfG10WF

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Good Luck Mr Newborough! 🏃💨 https://t.co/QxCNIC0Sbh


From the end of your street to the ends of the earth. Open a world of possibilities for children in your area.  Join our high-quality teacher training programme, train locally and start making a difference from day one with expert support at every stage.https://t.co/bBuGvnsFlS pic.twitter.com/Z62U8Dap0t

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From the end of your street to the ends of the earth. Open a world of possibilities for children in your area.  Join our high-quality teacher training programme, train locally and start making a difference from day one with expert support at every stage.https://t.co/bBuGvnsFlS pic.twitter.com/Z62U8Dap0t

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Supporting primary and secondary schools across Essex and North & East London, BMAT is a growing multi-academy trust with a singular vision: schools, teachers and pupils freed to succeed.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing


Being mentally healthy does not just mean that you do not have a mental health problem. The Mental health foundation says that: If you are in good mental health, you can:

  • make the most of your potential.
  • cope with life
  • play a full part in your family, workplace, community and among friends.

Some people call mental health ‘emotional health’ or ‘well-being’ and it is just as important as good physical health.

Mental health is everyone’s business. We all have times when we feel down or stressed or frightened. Most of the time those feelings pass. But sometimes they develop into a more serious problem and that could happen to any one of us.

Everyone is different. You may bounce back from a setback while someone else may feel weighed down by it for a long time. Your mental health does not always stay the same. It can change as circumstances change and as you move through different stages of your life.

There is a stigma attached to mental health problems. This means that people feel uncomfortable about them and do not talk about them much. Many people do not even

feel comfortable talking about their feelings. But it is healthy to know and say how you are feeling.

At Freshwaters Primary Academy would like to contribute to make pupils, parents, carers, teachers, and our community healthier. We are all here to support you and your child at school and if you wish to speak to one of us about mental health and wellbeing, please call our school office on 01279 454688 or contact us via email: adminfrw@bmatfreshwaters.org.uk


Domestic abuse chat lines.

During the COVID-19 social isolation/social distancing period we know that there will be victims of domestic abuse living with the perpetrator who are not able to call others for support or help if needed. If this applies to you or someone you know, please consider the support below.

National Live chats and survivor forums.

Women’s Aid Survivors Forum: https://survivorsforum.womensaid.org.uk/

Women’s Aid Live Chat: https://chat.womensaid.org.uk/

Victim Support Live Chat: https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/help-and-support/get-help/support-near-you/live-chat

Essex based.

Changing Pathways - https://changingpathways.org/

Next Chapter https://www.thenextchapter.org.uk/

Perpetrator – Respect phone line (for any one worried they may be harming someone else) - 0808 8021414.

Little Havens Bereavement support line.

Havens Hospice Bereavement Support Line which was set up this week to support anybody who is bereaved directly or indirectly because of Coronavirus and is available to anybody living in Essex. Access the support here: https://www.havenshospices.org.uk/coronavirus-crisis-bereavement-line/.

If your family have been affected in this way, please let us know so we can support your family.

Useful Websites and agencies

The following are links to websites and agencies parents may consider helping their children understand the Coronavirus and the current situation we all find ourselves in. Thank you to the Essex Local Offer team for sourcing most of these websites. We will add more as we come across them:

UNICEF gives six ways parents can support their children: https://www.unicef.org/coronavirus/6-ways-parents-can-support-their-kids-through-coronavirus-covid-19

Zero to Three includes at home activity guides: https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/3264-at-home-activity-guide

Zero to Three gives five tips to make the most of video chats: https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/2535-five-tips-to-make-the-most-of-video-chats

Young Minds gives advice for young people and parents on the impact of Coronavirus on mental health: https://youngminds.org.uk/about-us/media-centre/press-releases/youngminds-publishes-advice-for-young-people-and-parents-on-mental-health-impact-of-coronavirus/

Cosmic Kids Yoga for yoga and mindfulness activities: 

MIND give advice on the Coronavirus and wellbeing: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/

Anna Freud support young people during periods of disruption: https://www.annafreud.org/what-we-do/anna-freud-learning-network/coronavirus/

Home Start give ideas of activities for families during self-isolation: https://www.home-start.org.uk/news/activities-for-families-during-self-isolation

Relate is a parent helpline and offers online counselling: https://www.relate.org.uk/relationship-help/talk-someone

The National College has released a free webinar ‘Self-Isolation and Mental Health: Practical Strategies for Managing and Supporting Staff and Pupil Wellbeing’: https://thenationalcollege.co.uk/webinars/self-isolation-and-mental-health-practical-strategies-for-managing-and-supporting-staff-and-pupil-wellbeing ü MindEd educational resources for adults about children and young people´s Mental Health, which is relevant for parents and carers as well as volunteers, teachers and other professionals working with children.

The EVERY MIND MATTERS platform which supports looking after your own and other’s mental health.

Here you will find guidance on looking after wellbeing and mental health during the coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak.


Mental Health at Work have created a website called Our Frontline. This is to support key workers during this difficult time. Access the support here.

YMCA Essex is a charitable organisation that has served the community of Essex for many years. As ever, we stand ready to support children, young people, and families across the county during these difficult times. Should you need support, you can complete our request form and we will put you in touch with the right person or team that can speak with you and help you with any query, support or advice you may need just now. Alternatively, our Family Support, Digital Youth Work, Early Years Online and Housing and Welfare Benefits webpages may also help answer some of your queries and give you and your household additional suggestions on how to keep busy, active and healthy during the coming weeks and months. Access the resources here: http://www.ymcaessex.org.uk/coronavirus-response/

Leader in Me.

Leader in Me is an evidence-based, comprehensive-school improvement model—developed in partnership with educators—that empowers pupils with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. This is something we at Magna Carta are looking to become involved in. It is based on the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The owners, Franklin Covey have kindly made some resources free for parents and children to use at home while schools are closed. Click on the link to read more and to access the resources: https://www.leaderinme.org/family-resources/#section6

YCT - FREE counselling service for children and young people (ages 5 – 19) across West Essex. YCT are a well-established and locally respected mental health charity, has recently been commissioned by West Essex Clinical Commissioning Group to provide counselling support to children and young people throughout West Essex. The service will operate throughout West Essex, delivering from community sites in Harlow, Loughton, Waltham Abbey, Saffron Walden, Thaxted, Stansted.

  • Open Door Thurrock, Tel: 01375 389879, Mobile: 07964 420686
  • Community 360
  • Young Carers: Elizabeth Stead, Key Worker Young Carers (West), E: Elizabeth.stead@essex.gov.uk, M: 07827255975

DfE Wellbeing Resources. The DfE have published an extensive list of resources which are free of charge to support children's education at home. Here are the Wellbeing resources: Wellbeing

Medway local authority has created some excellent resources focusing on adult and children's mental health at this difficult time. Please find them in the Page Downloads below. Parents may wish to use the 'lesson plan' as a family.

CAFCASS Co-Parent Hub. A free online resource for separated families linking together expertise from across the family justice sector, has been launched. We have been working with colleagues at the Ministry of Justice to launch this website to help families maintain co-parenting arrangements during this uncertain and stressful time. The Co-Parent Hub can be accessed here

We care about you

School website by Cleverbox