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Road safety message
Posted: 16th April 2021An army of little people are helping our school to tackle dangerous parking at drop-off and pick-up times.
Traffic outside Freshwaters Primary Academy causes parents and teachers concern for the safety of pupils as they travel to and from school.
With cars often parked on a bend, children find themselves crossing the road between cars and unable to see the traffic approaching.
Headteacher Jackie Diggle commissioned Cubed Creative to produce a team of Little People – signs in the shape of pupils to capture the attention of drivers and share the safety message.
She said: “Spending a lot of time on the gate, it became very clear how dangerous the road is outside the gates. Even after many notices, there was still a tendency to park as close to the school as possible. Visiting traffic wardens did make a little difference, but we needed something more permanent.
“Children were crossing the road between parked cars and putting themselves in danger. It became such an issue that I decided we needed something very clear and obvious and which made the parents realise we are trying to protect our children.
“The job of the Little People is to remind our parents, carers and visitors to the school that they need to Think Before You Park. We are asking them to look out for pupils and be mindful of where they park to ensure the safety of our children comes first.
“The Little People have been a huge success. Our parents and the community have all made such positive comments about them, saying they have changed the way people think and that they are now putting the safety of the children first.”
Emma Bradley, parent of pupils in Year 2 and 4, said: “It’s been better along the front of the school with the little people signs in place. Turning the corner is amazing now as you can see any cars that are coming towards you.
“Thank you for making a big impact on safety for the children.”
Becky Hedges, parent of a Year 5 pupil, said: “I think they are a super idea! Anything that contributes to the safety of our children gets my approval.
“They have encouraged people to park with more consideration, making it safer during drop-off and pick-up times.”