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1902 medal unearthed
Posted: 28th March 2019A simple school maintenance project unearthed a 1902 medal.
When class teacher Robin Dalton repositioned a bench at Freshwaters Primary Academy he dug six 20cm deep holes in the ground.
During the work, he came across a mud-encrusted piece of metal which came out of the ground on his spade.
On closer inspection, he discovered he had found a King Edward VII school attendance medal from 1902, awarded to an unidentified pupil in the school year 1907/1908.
Mr Dalton said: “To have found something more than 100 years old like this was very interesting, since it must have been undiscovered in the ground for several decades.”
Year 6 pupil Daniela said: “Whoa, that’s 100 years old and it’s in our school!”