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Recycling superheroes undergo training
Posted: 15th March 2019Recycling superheroes have undergone their training at primary school.
Pupils at Freshwaters Primary Academy worked with drama company Perform to learn the importance of being eco-friendly.
They acted out a story of visiting Party World where they planted plants to make it “green and beautiful”.
Joanna Goldspink, from Perform, said: “The idea of being superheroes is that we are saving the planet by reusing, recycling and reducing. We make the workshop educational, but appropriate for their age group.
“We encourage children to do things such as switching off lights and computers when they are not being used to reduce electricity, taking their own bags to use when shopping and putting their rubbish in the recycling.”
Perform offers the workshop free of charge to promote its weekly drama clubs.
Joanna said: “Our groups are a good way of improving children’s co-ordination, communication and confidence through drama, dancing and singing.”