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Mad hatters enjoyed their return to the classroom.
Posted: 13th September 2018Mad hatters enjoyed their return to the classroom.
An Alice in Wonderland theme welcomed pupils back to Freshwaters Primary Academy after the summer break.
Not only did they attend a Mad Hatters Tea Party wearing hats they had made themselves, but pupils were also wowed to find part of their school had been spray-painted in the fairytale theme.
Over two weeks, each class completed work around Alice in Wonderland with pupils dressed in fancy dress. They also dined on a themed lunch from a special menu.
Amy Dias, head of school, said: “This was a really exciting way of opening up the new school year for pupils. Each class worked on a different element of literacy, with some writing letters as if they were Alice, some retelling the story and others re-writing the tale. It was a whole school approach with a hook to engage children back into school after the summer.
“The effort pupils put in was fantastic.”
Charity shop ECCO donated crockery for the tea party.