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Free cinema trips to boost learning
Posted: 13th December 2018A free cinema trip helped pupils to understand their school topic.
Year 5 and 6 pupils at Freshwaters Primary Academy visited Cineworld Cinema, in Queensgate, as part of the Into Film Festival.
Some pupils watched The Zoo to link with their WWII topic, while others saw the new Jumanji film as a treat.
Head of school Amy Dias said: “This was an opportunity for children to use the cinema to support their learning and to engage with it. It is another way for them to understand a different interpretation and see a different view, as well as picking up information and getting new insight.
“It can be expensive to go to the cinema, so with these free tickets and being able to walk to the cinema, we could give our pupils a completely free opportunity.
“Film is a good stimulus which also provides enjoyment for the children.”