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Anti Bullying Ambassadors
Posted: 24th November 2015Anti-bullying week at Freshwaters Primary Academy, in School Lane, saw pupils from each year group recruited as anti-bullying ambassadors.
The themed week started with an assembly where pupils looked at celebrities who have had experiences of bullying. They also welcomed students from Burnt Mill Academy who told their younger peers what to do if they ever found themselves the victim of bullying.
A day off timetable was used to further explain the signs of bullying, the short and long-term impact and who is available to support victims.
Gemma Vincenti, personal, social and health education leader, said: “Each class had the opportunity to share their learning with parents. We showed them role-plays, videos and encouraged them to write and decorate a ‘helping hand’. This was a drawn hand which had words of advice on for children who are being bullied. This was then stuck next to ones the children themselves had made, to create a flower of hands.
“It has been an extremely successful week which has opened the children’s and parents’ eyes to how to spot bullying and what the consequences really are.”