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Inspired by Lego
Posted: 2nd November 2015
Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils at Freshwaters Primary Academy, in School Lane, are feeling inspired after a visit from a Lego employee.
Nicola Daglish grew up in Harlow and now lives in Loughton, She is licensing business manager at Lego and returned to her hometown to tell children all about her exciting career.
She told them: “My job is to manage the companies we let have the rights to make items such as tshirts, towels, bedding and bags with Lego on them. I work with companies which sell to shops in the UK and Europe and distribute to Australia and New Zealand. My job is based in London, but I get to travel to cool places in the world, including the Legoland park in California, which is really fun. On your first day at Lego, you are given two hours to build whatever you can out of Lego and there are bowls of Lego in all of the meeting rooms so you can build while you work! We are encouraged to be creative.
“There are lots of different jobs at Lego, including games developers, builders, magazine editors and lots more. No matter what your strengths and interests are at school, so long as you work hard you could come and work for Lego!”
Before her visit, children were asked to write down their dreams for their future as part of the school’s Inspiring The Future project. The winners – Emily Prior, Year 3, Brooke Ponton, Year 4, and Kowen Dalziel, Year 5 – were all presented with Lego kits for outlining their ambitious dreams to become a Lego worker, a lawyer and to work for NASA.
Miss Daglish said: “I wanted to show the children I am proof that no matter where you come from, so long as you work hard at school that you can achieve something bigger than maybe you first thought.”
Head of school Marios Solomonides said: “Lego is a huge company and this visit has got the children imagining what other work opportunities are out there. They need to be open to everything.
“It’s wonderful when people give up their time to share with us like this. We would love other people to come and tell the children about their professions. We want pupils to have the knowledge and confidence to know there’s a whole world out there full of international companies.”